Wednesday 5 May 2010

a clean start


I guess I'm the sort of person who likes to have a fresh start in no matter what I do. Cleaning off the traces of the past rather than to fix them and continue with whatever that's left.

My kind of way to deal with things. Which, really, isn't so bad.

This won't be another blog, or so I hope. :) It's more of a writing log where I throw in jumbles of miscellaneous pieces of literary crap in, in hopes of improving my language... as, after years of netspeak and the usage of rojak language, I've started to forget what it's like to use correct punctuation and proper spelling. It's essential to speak "well", especially for someone who doesn't enjoy to look like some fools that enjoy urban speak, hahaha... no, I was just making fun.

Well well well.. look at the pile of junk I've just keyed in.... =___= and sorry for being incoherent, am very very sleepy at the moment.

Goodnight!! Gute Nacht!

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